
Основные итоги Юридического форума в Сербии

Новое в юридической сфере
Как обещали, делимся основными итогами Юридического форума в Сербии, где сессию по Legal operations модерировал Алексей Никифоров.
Оксана Ковалева, лидер крупнейшего юридического департамента страны (компания NIS) рассказала о том, с чем было связано ее решение создать Legal operations division из 7ми сотрудников (на общую численность департамента в 80 юристов), а коллеги из Сербии (Стефан Добрич и Вукасин Петкович) дали понять, что их рынок юридического менеджмента переживает примерно то, что переживали мы в 2020 году, когда книги, курсы в ВШЭ и обсуждение этой тематики на разных площадках только начиналось.

✔️Делимся с вами презентацией, представленной на этой панели, и надеемся, что это только первый шаг в экспансии юридического менеджмента в другие страны ⬇️

Legal operations: budućnostpravne profesijeiuticajnainhouse pravnike

Session agenda Legal operations as a new Legal profession What it includes? How it could be organized? Why do we need it? Legal Technologies and Al What kind of Legal Tech solutions we can use today? How can we use generative Al? What impact Al has on Legal profession? Skills of tomorrow's lawyers Hard, Soft skills and Meta skills lawyers need today to become

Legal operations as a new Legal profession

Legal profession trends in 2023 Express survey for Legal forum scheduled on November 06-07, 2023
Do you work in International corporation with a local branch in Serbia — 68,1% Serbian company — 31,9%
What is the size of your legal team?
To whom you directly report?
In what area does your legal department's most important strategic initiative fall?
Where Legal operations
Almost 60% of Legal departments has at least one Legal operations professional

Legal Technologies and Al

More than 40% of Legal departments are planning to adopt legal technology solutions in 12 month
Contract management solutions are the most popular one on the legal market today
How will Al change Legal professional work?
Have you automatized / digitalized some parts of your legal processes? Please specify?

Skills of tomorrow's lawyers

The following skills Legal departments seek to develop for the lawyers
Which of the following skills are you seeking to develop for the lawyers in your department?

Role Legal departments play in business today

DR.WALTER KOLVENBACH The Company Legal Department Its Role, Function and Organisation Until the 1950s, there was not a single book written in the world about the management of the legal service
In the whole of Germany in 1970 there were just 3,000 corporate lawyers (3.2% of the total number of lawyers in the country), in the whole industry of Italy there were about 250 lawyers, in the UK in 1961 there were only 300- 400 corporate lawyers
What actions, if any, are you taking to improve internal client satisfaction with your department's delivery of legal services? (1)
What actions, if any, are you taking to improve internal client satisfaction with your department's delivery of legal services? (2)
What actions, if any, are you taking to improve internal client satisfaction with your department's delivery of legal services? (3)